Time to begin again?

Happy New Year! Our theme in this first week of a new year is “Time to begin again”.  Let’s step away from last year and focus our energy on being positive as we make new beginnings and welcome in 2023. You may have made a resolution already but if not, and even if you have, Continue reading »

Yoga and your Achilles tendon

Your Achilles tendon does the important job of connecting your heel bone to your calf. It’s instrumental when you walk, run or jump — and you may just not have an appreciation for it, until something goes wrong. An inflammation at the Achilles, known as Achilles tendinitis, can cause discomfort, a dull ache and even Continue reading »

Yoga for Autumn

Autumn officially begins on 22 September with the Autumnal Equinox so our classes in the week following this will be a Seasonal Yoga practice. Seasonal Yoga takes account of the energy of each season to help us adjust to the change in the year.  We work on energy channels and yoga poses that are linked Continue reading »

How to rediscover yourself

As we all try to ‘return back to normal’, remember that ‘normal’ doesn’t necessarily mean the same as before and we should take what we have learnt over this past 18 months to make change to help us. Saying yes to every invitation, over-working, over-exercising, allowing others to dump problems on us are examples of Continue reading »

Yoga for Posture

Bad posture can lead to serious issues like back pain, cardiovascular issues, digestion issues and eventually changing of the curve of the spine itself, which will create a whole new level of back pain. These are only the physical effects of sitting! Slouching can change the way that others see you and can make you Continue reading »

Habits and identity

Why is it so easy to repeat bad habits but so difficult to acquire good habits? To keep good habits for more than a few days can be challenging but habits stay with us forever so it is better to keep the good habits than the bad.  Despite our best intentions, it can seem impossible Continue reading »

Breathe through stress

Many of us walk around fired up by stress all day long. The difficulties start when you can’t turn off that switch and relax when it comes to bedtime or indeed at other times when required. Often our sleep then suffers which leads to more stress and we end up exhausted and the more exhausted Continue reading »

Leaving lockdown – how to rediscover yourself

As we come to the end of lockdown, it’s time to start preparing ourselves both mentally and physically for life ‘returning back to normal’. I think it’s important to note that ‘normal’ does not necessarily mean the same as before, and we should take what we have learnt over this past year to help improve Continue reading »

Yoga for your vagus nerve

Over the last few weeks, we looked at yoga poses to nourish you. Specifically they can help you to feel strong, to feel focussed, to feel energised, to feel calm, to feel grounded and to feel happy. This week we look at how yoga can influence our vagus nerve. Don’t be put off about the Continue reading »