Happy New Year!
Our theme in this first week of a new year is “Time to begin again”. Let’s step away from last year and focus our energy on being positive as we make new beginnings and welcome in 2023.
You may have made a resolution already but if not, and even if you have, why not simply resolve to make the most of each moment, each day and each year.
The deeper significance of the transition of time can pass us by when we are young and healthy. However, when we’ve experienced the fragility of life, perhaps with the loss of a loved one, or a life-threatening health condition, then we start to honour time a little more.
How often have you heard “I can’t believe that’s another year gone” or “Is that January already?”. Time does indeed fly by so make your resolution to make the most of each moment of each day this year and each year after that.
How you use each moment is up to you. You may use it to bring transformation to the lives of others or simply to just live your life. Here is a little quote I found which I think is quite apt: